A New Title, A New Year

So this year at work started off well. Last December I was offered a new position in the same department and I took it. I've been in the same group/doing the same thing for about 5 years and I definitely needed a change. So far things are going well and I'll be rolling out a new website next month. I'm pretty excited about it although I can't really share since it's a company site not available to the public. My new title is "Knowledge Development Analyst" which means I help develop and manage the training for all the Canadian Tire Store staff across Canada. Or something like that. It's a bit open and the position itself is new, so it may involve some other things as well. My first big job is pushing out the a fore mentioned website which will be used as a vehicle to distribute training material. I'm pretty excited about that actually and I'm sure it will be a great learning experience with a lot of opportunities.

Oh, and I still help out at TextDrive (now a Joyent) in what I laughably call my "free time". Some very exiting things are underway there and the next month or so will be very interesting. In the meantime, I'm still working on "this":http://kb.textdrive.com/ as well as answering the occasional support ticket.