Counting Down The Months

It was well over a year ago (May 22, 2004) when I bought my condo. The finish date is approximately June 2006. With that optimistic deadline in mind, that leaves about 8 months left.

Oh yes, oh yes!

OK, so realistically it’ll most likely be ready in the fall given that it’s a renovation of an older building and, hey, shit happens. So let’s say 10 months. Still, it’s less than a year away and now the wait doesn’t feel so, well, painful.

And it’s been hard, let me tell you. I’ve been dreaming of picking out paint, choosing tiles, and arranging furniture. I get giddy thinking about appliances and kitchen utensils. More than anything, though, it’s the Scarborough experience that’s really a drag. That and the daily hour-long commute (including three transfers) to work.

Good lord man, it’s killing me.