Full Time

At long last I am now a full-time employee!

It was juts a matter of time, really. As a permanent part-time emplyee, I always had the benefits and options of a full-timer and I used to work just a few hours shy of a full work week. Now, however, I'm salaried and I get paid more and I work a full week.

Nice timing what with the purchase of the condo and all. This has been a pretty damn good year.

Interestingly enough, HR signed me up for the new employee orientation sessions, which is kind of ridiculous considering I've been working there for just over three years. Mind you, I never had a formal introduction when I started and the session on benefits will definitely clear up some things (it's complicated stuff, trust me)

You know, I've never actually mentioned where I work have I? I've never been sure if I should say or not, so I'll give you a hint instead.