In which I present my first Textpattern Plugin

I’ve been teaching myself a bit of PHP and, as I’ve learned from past experience, the best way to go about this sort of thing is through practical application. What you need to do is to actually create something useful, something that you’ll actually use in your day-to-day life. Or, failing that, it should be something that amuses or interests you.

And so, with that in mind, I set about creating a Textpatten plugin with one purpose and one purpose only: To generate a random hobo name taken from the list of 700 such names from John Hodgeman’s The Areas of my Expertise.

I therefore present to you cwh_hobo and you can see it in action in the sidebar. You’ll also note that my site now sports a new Code section where I’ll hopefully be adding other plugins and contrivances in the future.

Oh, and do let me know if you catch any errors or issues with cwh_hobo and I’ll be sure to correct them as soon as I can. You can do so by contacting me directly.
