In which I purchase some furniture

I now have some furniture for my new place! This is relatively old news as I put in my order on June 28 th right before I went a fabulous 6 day vacation. Aaaah!

So, thanks to the fine people at EQ3 I now have:

  • A sofa (in white leather!)
  • A chaise (black leather!)
  • A side table (in a dark brown)
  • A bed (queen sized, with black lacquer headboard)
  • A nightstand (goes with the bed, also in black)
  • And a pretty awesome lamp

Since my place isn’t ready quite yet, all of my fine purchases have been ordered and will be on hold until I actually move in. I still have a few more things I need, but I at least have most of the basics covered. Next up on my list of things to buy: a coffee table, another chair, and a dining table (with suitable seating, of course). The dining table will probably come last when I actually take possession since by then I’ll have a better idea of what fits in the space I have.