Nine Inch Nails

I saw Nine Inch Nails at the Air Canada Centre last night for the first time in over 10 years. It was just as good as it was then. The last time I saw Nine Inch Nails was at Molson Park (long since gone) in 1994. It's the band from my youth that I'll always feel a certain attachment for and I'm really glad I went, despite it being a work night.

This time around I had a seat, and a pretty good one at that, although I would've preferred to be closer. The venue was sold out as well, which was nice since I haven't been in such are large venue with so many people in a while. Apparently the show sold out the fastest of the tour so far. I guess Toronto has a certain attachment to them as well.

And the new album is great by the way, and definitely better than the last one. I think it's probably because it's more focused and tighter, with the last one, The Fragile, being a double album.