Subway Stress

Monday morning was particularly unpleasant. While on the train and leaving Sherbourne station, I saw a woman pass out while walking along the platform. She didn't fall anywhere near the tracks but instead slid slowly down against the station wall she was using to steady herself. I couldn't do anything but watch from behind the closed train doors as the train went on it's way to the next station. No on else on the train seemed as concerned as I was, which I'm not particularly impressed by. I think some of that has to do with me being more observant than most. Anyway, I got to the next stop (Yonge and Bloor) and desperatley tried to find a TTC employee. I enventually had to go upstairs to a ticket booth to let them know what happended. The guy made a call right away and that was it. I hope the woman is all right. I tried calling the TTC to find out and to make sure they sent someone, but I didn't get anywhere. I hope I wasn't the only person who made an effort.