The Search Is Over

I finally bought myself a condo after I'd all but given up. I'm very happy and very relieved. It all began when my agent called me a few weeks ago about a new loft development downtown in what used to be the Irwin toy factory. I went down later that week and had a look at the model units and was pretty impressed. After looking over the floor plans I went back to the developers and put my name down for the unit I wanted (this was on May 22). My unit is called "Battleship" (all the names are toy themed). Technically, it's version 2 of the "Battleship" plans because mine comes with a pantry. It's pretty much exactly what I wanted, which is weird because I was expecting to make some serious compromises. The only drawback is that I have to wait a couple of years for it to be built, but that's what happens when you buy from plans. So anway, I finalized the agreement last week. My lawyer gave the agreement the once over and got them make a few changes in my favour. Lawyers are pretty handy when they're on your side. Once I found what I wanted everything else seemed to happen quite quickly. That was pretty exciting week, let me tell you.